Linkedin Contacts

LinkedIn, working with acquired Connected Team


End to end product design, user field study, user behavioral data analysis, Information architecture, Interaction design, motion graphics, visual design, interactive prototyping, product marketing design

Linkedin Blog
LinkedIn Contacts Marketing Site
Business Insider
Fast Company
The Next Web
40+ more coverages

LinkedIn Contacts App (Apple App Store)LinkedIn Production

Linkedin Contacts iPhone App

LinkedIn Contacts web landing page

LinkedIn Contacts web landing page

LinkedIn Profile Relationship Module

LinkedIn Profile Relationship Module

Linkedin Contacts Your Day Email

Linkedin Contacts Your Day Email


A Brief History 

LinkedIn as an internet company, we are always known as the professional social network, and constantly evangelize the idea of "Relationship Matters". But the key feature to deliver this value: LinkedIn Contacts, was so out dated with usability and performance issues. 

The old LinkedIn Contacts page (2008 - 2013)

The old LinkedIn Contacts page (2008 - 2013)


LinkedIn Connected HQ Acquisition

So at October 2011, Linkedin acquires Connected HQ, known as the Social CRM. It's a tool designed to bring all your contacts together, and help people like networker, outbound professionals, sales, biz build stronger relationship with their contacts. Connected HQ was built by Sachin Rekhi, an extremely talented and successful entrepreneur who built the front end, back end...the whole product with insanely rich feature set. And I was the first LinkedIn employee who joined the team to help them integrate Connected's feature into LinkedIn Contacts.


The New LinkedIn Contacts: A smarter way to stay in touch

At Apr 2013 we launch the new contacts with a fully redesign web app on LinkedIn, as well as the stand alone iphone app. Some of the most important values we delivered:

Bring all your contacts to one place
LinkedIn Contacts brings together all your address books, emails, and calendars, and keeps them up to date in one place. From these sources, we’ll automatically pull in the details of your past conversations and meetings, and bring these details directly onto your contact’s profile.

Never miss an opportunity to say hello
Get alerted on job changes and birthdays in your network, a perfect opportunity to stay in touch. Also, you can set reminders and add notes about the important people in your life.

Take it on your mobile device
Stay connected on the go. LinkedIn Contacts is available as a standalone app for iPhone, so you can stay in touch with your contacts wherever you work.

You can explore more design details in the following slides

A True Lean UX Development Strategy

The LinkedIn Contacts development was broken down to 2 steps: Reskin and Redesign. Right after the Connected acquisition at Jan 2012, Sachin and I decides there are so many new hypothesis need to be examined in the LinkedIn ecosystem and we have to move fast. So the first thing we did is reskin the original Connected HQ user interface using the LinkedIn site design language, and embed the Connected HQ into the site chrome. By doing this we are able to gather so many user feedback, identify early design and engineer challenge, and start building solid redesign principles that based on real user behavioral data. So in the course of 1.5 years, our team actually build up 2 site redesigns and 2 major iphone app releases, which is the first time in LinkedIn's history. Here are some designs from the Connected Reskin project.  

LinkedIn 2013 Q1 Earning Call

Last week we launched LinkedIn contacts, a new contact management system that enables members to integrate their e-mail, address books and calendars with their LinkedIn network. It allows members to track relevant conversations and be alerted to opportunities to stay in touch with their network. Contacts built using technology from Connected, which we acquired in October 2011, is the first LinkedIn product to launch simultaneously on the desktop and mobile.