Linkedin Concept Projects

All the following projects I help on the early phase exploration for assisting product manager to illustrate the strategic intent and help the project get founded by pitching to the LinkedIn execs. Most of them become successful products that use by millions of user today. 


2009 - Present

Strategic planning, Information architecture, Interaction design, motion graphics, visual design, interactive prototyping.

InMaps  |  Oct 2010

InMaps is a Hackday project I collaborate with our data analytics team to visualize your LinkedIn network. Create your own InMaps here 

University Pages Concept  |  Oct 2010 

University page is a unique offering for universities to setup their present on LinkedIn. It helps prospective student to make better decision of choosing university. It also connect university and their current student and alumni network. 

University pages


LinkedIn Classmates  |  Mar 2011 

LinkedIn classmates using the unique structured data set to answer the question of "What are people's life look like after graduate from this university. In this data visualization tool, you can explore any university's alumni, where they lived, which company they work, how much they make...and even network with them. Now LinkedIn Classmates is part of the LinkedIn University page offering. 

Interactive prototype | Production site


LinkedIn Global Navigation Concept  |  Dec 2010 

As part of my work in LinkedIn Search team, I helped on the initial concept exploration of the new LinkedIn global navigation. Most the concept work I did in this project was carried on in the final design. UI features such as centralized search box for encouraging exploration,  docking the top bar for fast accessibility, and in general the information architecture.

Interactive prototype


Talent Marketplace  |  Oct 2011

Interactive prototype

05_MAIN STREET_02.png

Course Match  |  Nov 2013

Course Match is one of the winner of LinkedIn's INcubator program. It analyzes LinkedIn member's profile data and recommend online course to them. The courses was planned to source from wide variety of online courses site such as Coursea, Khan Academy, Udacity, Udemy, edX, and more. I help the team scope the initial launch, also provide design support. 


Disaster Recovery Email  |  Jun 2012

This is one of my winning project of LinkedIn Hackday. During the time of 2011 Tōhoku earthquake at Japan, I was really shocked and heart broken and wanted to offer my design skill for helping the disaster recovery. So this disaster recovery email campaign was designed for fund raising. It utilizes LinkedIn's network data to surface member's friend who lived in Japan, also showing the curated news from LinkedIn Today about the disaster. Which I want to trigger the emotional connection in human, to be part of the recovery support. 
